
<H1> <center> <u> Salary Sheet </u>  </center> </H1>
 <form method="post" action="#">
  Basic Salary <input type="text" name="txt" />
<input type="submit" value="submit"/><br />
$a=$_POST ['txt'];
$hr =$a*10/100;
echo "<br>your house rent is<br>".$hr;

$b=$_POST ['txt'];
$ma =$b*15/100;
echo "<br>Your Ma is<br>".$ma;

$c=$_POST ['txt'];
$it =$c*3/100;
echo "<br>Your IT is<br>".$it;


echo '<form action="#" method="post">
<input type="text" name="txt" />
</form> ';
 $A = $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['txt'] = $_POST['txt'];    
 if (isset($A))
echo "welcom $A";

     else {echo"sorry";}


$int_value1 = 13;
$int_value2 = 45;
$int_value3 = $int_value1 * $int_value2;
echo "the product of $int_value1 * $int_value2<br>  &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;          &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;                 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;=".$int_value3;


$rest = substr("This is testing This is testing This is testing This is testing This is testing This is testing ", 0, 30);

echo $rest . "...";

echo '
<table border="1" style="margin:10px auto;">
<tr bgcolor="aqua">
<th>ID</th><th>Bank</th><th>Account No</th><th>Acount Type</th><th>Custome Name</th><th>Phone No</th><th>Report</th>
$b=mysql_query("select * from tblaccount where Status='False'");
for($a=0; $a<$t; $a++)
echo ' <tr>
echo $_SESSION['txt'];

echo '<form action="#" method="post">
<input type="text" name="txt" />
</form> ';
$_SESSION['txt'] = $_POST['txt'];    
$a = mysql_query("select * from tbl");
echo "<table>";
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($a))
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>";
<img src ="<?php echo $row["a"]; ?>" height="100" width="100" /><?php echo "</td>";
echo "<td>"; echo $row["b"]; echo "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
$i = $_FILES['myfile']['name'];
$tmp = $_FILES["myfile"]["tmp_name"];
$type = $_FILES["myfile"]["type"];
mysql_query("insert into tbl values ('$i','')");
echo '<form action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
<input type="file" name="myfile" />
<input type="submit" value="ok" name="submit" />
<input type="submit" value="ok1" name="search"/>
</form> ';
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

$a = mysql_query("select * from tbl");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($a))
<img src ="<?php echo $row["a"]; ?>" height="100" width="100" /> <?php echo"<br>";
echo $row["b"];
echo '<form action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
<input type="file" name="myfile" />
<input type="submit" value="ok" />
</form> ';
$i = $_FILES['myfile']['name'];
$tmp = $_FILES["myfile"]["tmp_name"];
echo "<img src= 'images/$i' width='300px' height='300px'>";
require_once "Mail.php";
$from = "";
$to ="";
$subject = "Hi!";
$body = "Hi,\n\nHow are you?";
 $headers =
  array (
   'From' => $from,
   'To' => $to,
   'Subject' => $subject
  $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp',
   array (
     'host' => "ssl://",
     'port' => "465",
     'auth' => true,
     'username' => "",
     'password' => "syed1234"
 $mail = $smtp->send($to, $headers, $body);
 if (PEAR::isError($mail)) {
   echo("<p>" . $mail->getMessage() . "</p>");
  } else {
   echo("<p>Message successfully sent!</p>");

$connect = mysql_connect("localhost","root","");
$database = mysql_select_db(asd);
$name = $_POST['_username'];
$password = $_POST['_password'];
$sel = "SELECT * FROM s WHERE a='".$name."' AND ab='".$password."'";
$query = mysql_query($sel);

$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);

if($row["a"]==$name && $row["ab"]==$password)
echo "Welcome";
echo"Your password is wrong";
echo "<form action='#' method='post'>
         username: <input type='text' name='_username'  /><br>
         password: <input type='text' name='_password' /><br>
  <input type='submit' value='Search' name='search' /> </form>";
      $a = $_POST["search_btn"];
      $b = $_POST[txt_roleID];
       $q="select  * from role
        where role_id='$b' ";

  echo "<form action='#' method='post'>
         role ID:   <input type='text' name='txt_roleID' value='$roleId' /><br>
         role Name: <input type='text' name='roleName'  value='$roleName'/><br>
                    <input type='submit' value='Search' name='search_btn' /> ";
  echo "</form>";

        $a = $_POST['Insert'];
$b = $_POST["roleName"];
  $query="insert into  role(role_id ,roleName) values ('','$b' ) ";



  $red_colour_message.="Data inserted in  Table ";



  $red_colour_message.="Data not inserted  in  Table ";



   $red_colour_message.= "Sorry for Null value";

   echo "<form action='#' method='post'>
         role ID: <input type='text' name='roleID' value='$roleId' /><br>
         role Name: <input type='text' name='roleName'  value='$roleName'/><br> ";
  echo "<input type='submit' value='Insert' name='Insert' />
  <font color='red'>$red_colour_message</font></form>";


   // mysql Connection
   die("Server Problem");

   // mysql database connection
   die("Database Problem");
  $query="create table role (role_id int auto_increment primary key ,roleName varchar(50) )";


echo "Table  creared..";



  echo "Table  not creared..";

  $query="insert into  role(role_id ,roleName) values ('','$_POST[roleName]' ) ";


$insertData.="Data inserted in  Table ";



  $insertData.="Data not inserted  in  Table ";

   echo "Sorry for Null value";

  $q="select  * from role
      where role_id='$_POST[roleID]' ";


  echo "<form action='#' method='post'>
         role ID: <input type='text' name='roleID' value='$roleId' /><br>
         role Name: <input type='text' name='roleName'  value='$roleName'/><br>
<input type='submit' value='table Creation' name='Submit' /> ";
  echo "<input type='submit' value='Insert' name='Insert' />
     <br><input type='submit' value='Search' name='search' />
<font color='red'>$insertData</font></form>";

Leech 2.0.6's browser plug-in now works with the WebKit Nightly Builds:

Leech 2.0.6's browser plug-in now works with the WebKit Nightly Builds:

Name Mangler 2.2.3 adds the ability to prepend (as well as the existing append) a file name when numbering sequentially or using a terms list.

It also includes a new “Replace All” setting in a confirmation dialog; this new feature owes its existence to user Mike B., who requested it and demonstrated its need by including the image seen at right.

Yes, that’s a small heavy bottle resting on the Return key, so that it can be automatically pressed to dismiss the dialog every time it appears! Time to retire the bottle, Mike.

Witch 3.5.5, which includes some performance improvements and a fix to make it work much better with the new App Tamer from St. Clair Software.
Taking a cue from Leech, Safari Guardian also now works with the WebKit Nightly Builds.
In addition to the above, we’re still hard at work on both Usher and our new time-tracking app; stay tuned for news on both fronts in the near future…and yes, work continues on Butler 5 as well!

How to: Set up, grow, and move Usher movie libraries:

How to: Set up, grow, and move Usher movie libraries:

Usher is our powerful movie management tool; its mission in life is to bring order to the chaos that can be one’s collection of videos. To help you get the most out of Usher, this how-to covers setting up Usher’s main Library folder, adding more storage space, and moving movie files to a new hard drive (replacing an existing smaller drive).

Basic Library folder setup
Our recommended setup for Usher is to create your main Library folder on your machine’s boot disk, regardless of whether you intend to keep any movies there or not. By having the main Library folder on your boot drive, you’ll be able to see all your movies, even if they’re stored on a not-currently-connected external drive; you can even edit those movies’ metadata without them being physically present.

(If you’ve got a machine with more than one hard drive, and the extra drive (or drives) is always connected, feel free to place your Library folder on that drive. It’s only drives that are transient in nature that can be problematic as Library folder locations.)

If you simply install Usher and run it, this is the setup you will get—the main Library folder is created in your user’s Movies folder, within an Usher folder we create there. While you don’t have to use this arrangement, we strongly recommend that the main Library folder reside somewhere on your boot drive, or other always-there drive. (You can choose a new location for the Library folder on the Library tab of Usher’s preferences panel.)

After you’ve used Usher for a while, assuming you’re actively growing your movie collection, there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself running short on drive space. Thankfully, Usher makes it really easy to add additional storage space to your collection.

How To: Use Lion, the Witch, and the Escape key:

How To: Use Lion, the Witch, and the Escape key:

Early in 2011, as we were testing our apps with the Lion developer previews, Peter and I noticed something odd with Witch in Lion: some, but not all, of our Macs were unable to dismiss the Witch switcher panel via the Escape key. Peter dug into Witch’s code, and could find no reason for this, so then we started looking at the operating system itself. What we found is that the problem is indeed in Lion, and it’s related to Front Row (which, ironically enough, isn’t in Lion).

In a nutshell, Lion is reserving the Command-Escape keystroke to activate Front Row, even though there’s no Front Row to activate. So if you use Command-Tab to activate Witch, and then press Escape to cancel the window, Lion sees a Command-Escape keypress, and captures it—Witch never sees it, and its switcher panel isn’t dismissed. (If you disabled Front Row in 10.6, or remapped its activation keys, and then upgraded to Lion, you’re probably not having this problem. But if you did use Command-Escape for Front Row, you’ll want to use this fix.) We filed an Apple bug report on this back in March of 2011, but it’s still open and unresolved.

To fix this problem, we’ve created a simple little application, Escape Key Liberator. Usage couldn’t be much easier: download and mount the disk image, then launch the program (right from the disk image; it’s fine). You’ll be greeted by this incredibly obvious dialog:

Click the Liberate button, then quit Escape Key Liberator. Now comes the only slightly annoying portion of the process: you must logout and login for the change to take effect.

But after that task is done, you should once again be able to use the Escape key to dismiss the Witch switcher panel. You can then delete (or zip and archive, for possible future use on another Mac) the Escape Key Liberator disk image; it’s a one-trick pony, and its trick is done.

(Note: If you’re the kind of person who prefers replacing the transmission in your car yourself, instead of taking the car to the shop, read on for instructions on freeing your Escape key without the ease of a couple of mouse clicks.)

To fix this problem, you need to insert/replace a bit of code in a preferences file. It’s not hard, but unfortunately, it’s the only way to fix the issue. (We tried to write a script to make the fix for you from Terminal, but the needed level of control over the preferences file isn’t available at the command line.) Read on for the solution.

These instructions assume you have a pure text editor that can edit binary plist files. BareBones makes two such editors, the $50 BBEdit and the free TextWrangler, though I’m sure there are others. You can also edit the file using a dedicated property list editor, such as the $30 PlistEdit Pro or the free Pref Setter. If you use a dedicated editor, though, you’ll need to modify these instructions to suit those programs. (For this simple edit, one of the text editors is probably the best option.)

Desktop Curtain 3 makes your desktop clutter weep:

Today we’re releasing Desktop Curtain 3.0, a major upgrade to our solution to desktop clutter. First, the important bits about this release:

It’s a free upgrade to all prior purchasers of Desktop Curtain. That’s right, free. Just load up the App Store application, go to Updates, and install the Desktop Curtain update.
Desktop Curtain 3 is also available directly from us. Unlike the prior version, we’re selling this one directly, as well as via the App Store. To purchase from us, just visit the Desktop Curtain page.
Desktop Curtain 3 will cost $5 ($4.99 in the App Store), but it’s on sale through Sunday, May 27th for $1.99, the same price as the outgoing version.
So what’s new and exciting in Desktop Curtain 3? A ton of stuff, including this lovely new user interface:

In addition to the reworked interface, Desktop Curtain 3 has these awesome new features:

Application isolation mode automatically places the curtain behind the frontmost application, letting you focus entirely on that program.
A global hot key provides even more isolation, placing the curtain behind everything except the frontmost window.
You can use the current desktop image as the curtain image.
If the curtain is covering the desktop icons, clicking the curtain will activate the Finder.
The curtain image is now translucent, making it simple to change the curtain’s color.
New entries in the contextual menu (and in the program’s menu bar menus, and in new Dock item menus) allow you to easily hide the curtain, or change the level at which it’s displayed.
Desktop Curtain 3 represents a huge improvement in functionality over the old version, and it’s available right now. You can download and use it for free (forever, if you wish) in a feature-limited mode, and then use an in-app button to purchase the full version when you’re ready.

Witch 3.9.1 solves the fat font problem—really!

Witch 3.9.1 is out today, and it’s got only one change—but it’s a good one, especially for those users who find the fonts in Witch 3.9 too thick, even after setting their preferred font for the switcher.

How did we solve the fat font problem? We added a font smoothing setting to the Font pop-up menu (on the Appearance tab of Witch’s settings panel). You can set font smoothing to Enable, Disable, or System Preferences Default. Enable and Disable are self-explanatory; the final option sets font smoothing to match the state of the “Use LCD font smoothing when available” checkbox in the Appearance System Preferences panel.

The differences are quite noticeable; here’s an example with the bold face of Eurostile, my Witch switcher panel font of choice. The top example is with font smoothing enabled; the bottom, with font smoothing disabled.

A big Many Tricks’ hat tip to Richard L., who helped us figure this out thanks to his use of a hidden OS X font smoothing setting. Once we were aware of the cause, it was relatively easy to add a method of disabling smoothing (without having to disable it system-wide, which wouldn’t be a good solution).

As always, direct purchasers can get the update via in-app updating (or from the Witch web page); App Store customers can get the update via the App Store application.

How to: Migrate from App Store Witch to direct Witch

As you may have heard, the App Store is now enforcing sandboxing. As such, apps that aren’t sandboxed cannot be updated with new features; only bug fix updates are acceptable.

Unfortunately, with the rules that are presently in place, Witch is not sandboxable, which means that today’s release of Witch 3.9.1 is the last with any new features in the App Store—unless Apple changes their mind, which has been known to happen if enough users let them know how they feel about things (hint hint!). We fully intend to continue updating Witch with new functionality, but all such updates will only be applicable to the direct sales version. That’s the bad news…

The good news is that we have a way for you to easily migrate to the direct sales version, and making this move is completely free. The process is actually quite simple, too.

Make sure you’ve run the App Store version of Witch 3.9.1 (it must be the most-recently-updated version) at least once.
After running once, quit the App Store version of Witch.
Download Witch 3.9.1 from our site, and install it. (The direct sales version of Witch is a System Preferences panel, not an application; you’ll find it in the Other section of System Preferences after installation.)
There is no step four. Just check the Enable Witch box in the Witch System Preferences panel, and you’re good to go.
You can tell you’ve successfully licensed your app by looking at the About tab; the license in the middle should look like this:

That’s really all there is to it, with one caveat: you must repeat this process for each Mac—or different user on the same Mac—that you would like to convert. That’s because the conversion is tied to a license file which is specific to each user on each Mac.

How-to: Fix the Moom snap and Desktops issue:

As cool as Moom 3's new ‘snap to edges’ feature is, there’s one annoying issue that we can’t solve within Moom: if you use Desktops (Spaces in 10.6), the drag-to-edge action is used by OS X to move windows between Desktops/Spaces. If you also use Moom’s snap to edges feature, there’s an obvious issue, wherein a window may both resize and be moved to another Desktop/Space. Not good, obviously.

Unfortunately, we have no control over this action, as it’s owned by OS X. Nor do you, the user, have any control over it: it’s always enabled, with no pref to disable it. Thankfully, there is a way around the issue, such that you can use both Moom’s ‘snap to edges’ and OS X’s ‘drag to new Desktop/Space’ features together.

The workaround is to change OS X’s activation delay for the ‘drag to new Desktop/Space’ feature. Do this by opening Terminal, pasting the following line, and then pressing Return:
defaults write workspaces-edge-delay -float 10

You won’t see any output, just the cursor on a new blank line. Once you see that, paste this into Terminal, and press Return:

These two commands work like this. The first sets the delay before OS X’s ‘drag to new Desktop/Space’ feature activates to 10 seconds. The second line restarts the Dock, as otherwise, the change you’ve just made won’t take effect (the Dock controls the feature). You can experiment with values other than 10, but you want a delay that’s long enough to let you use snap-to-edges without moving to another Desktop/Space. Personally, I find that 5 works well.

(Alternatively, if you want to use Desktops/Spaces, but never ever have the drag-to-edge feature do anything, set a huge value, such as 600, which would require you holding the window against a screen edge for 10 minutes before it moves to another Desktop/Space.)

Once the drag-to-Desktop/Space action does take effect, it will do so showing Moom’s preview of your edge-drag resize. You don’t, however, have to resize the window: just drag it off the screen edge prior to releasing the mouse button, and the window will simply be moved (at its current size) into the new Desktop/Space.

If you ever want to undo this change, just use this Terminal command (followed by Return):

defaults delete workspaces-edge-delay

You’ll also have to repeat the killall Dock command, of course. (This doesn’t remove the drag-to-edges feature, it removes the custom delay value you’ve set.).

Should You Be Interested in Cloud Computing?

The expensive cost of hardware and software drives up infrastructure and operation (I&O) expenses for most businesses. Many businesses are looking for different strategies to help cut down the I&O expenses. One of the fastest growing technology trends that can potentially reduce I&O expenses for businesses is cloud computing.

Save money with "Pay-as-you-go"

Cloud computing adopts a "pay-as-you-go" model, which allows business to pay only for the storage capacity that they use. This model provides very little up-front cost compare to setting up and maintaining an in-house infrastructure. Businesses can start out by renting a small amount of storage, and then increase the storage capacity as required. The idea behind the "pay-as-you-go" model is to allow businesses to adopt cloud computing quickly. Businesses will see an immediate return on investment (ROI) after migrating their infrastructure to the cloud.

Save money with "Outsourcing"

For maximum cost savings, most businesses will outsource most of their infrastructure components. By moving their infrastructure to the cloud and hosted by third-party cloud providers, businesses will experience a tremendous decrease in operation cost associated with IT staffing and hardware maintenance. Traditionally, businesses require a high number of IT professionals to take care of the day-to-day infrastructure maintenance such as installation, upgrades, and continuous enhancements. The number of IT staffs can greatly be reduced as more infrastructures are moved away from the traditional model and into the cloud.

Advantages of Cloud Computing :

Cloud computing offers a wide range of solutions that include Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS), and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). The technology department is responsible for evaluating which one of these three components should be adopted based on the business requirements. For example, IT needs to determine the number of users that require desktops, the number and type of software applications, and the infrastructure components that are currently supported by the cloud. Businesses also need to research and evaluate the different cloud providers and cloud solutions. Standard office applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, and collaboration tools are offered by Microsoft Office 365 or Google Apps.

Another requirement that businesses should carefully evaluate is the mandatory federal and state regulatory and compliances. A financial institution will have stricter compliances to follow than a software development firm will. The reason for this is that financial institution contains more sensitive data than other type of businesses. As a result, financial institutions will have stricter guidelines when it come to moving their data to the cloud.

Less power equals more savings, and the go green factor :

Whether the cloud is internally hosted or outsourced to third party cloud providers, businesses will save money on energy either way. Cloud computing is much more energy efficient because there are fewer servers and network equipments that are required to operate. In addition to saving energy costs, businesses are also contributing to a healthier planet by leaving a smaller energy footprint.

YouTube Tricks, Tips & Secret Features :

YouTube Tricks, Tips & Secret Features

YouTube, the extremely popular video sharing website by Google averaging more than 3 billion page views per day needs no introduction to its fans who spend a considerable amount of time watching and sharing videos. While most of these users know every nook and corner of this website, there are some features that are hidden deep within, in a manner that only few of the most experienced users seem to know about them. This post contains some such features, tips and tricks.

YouTube Tips, Tricks and Features :

YouTube MySpeed :

Are YouTube videos taking too much time to load? Visit the YouTube MySpeed page to find your video streaming speed and compare it with the average speed of your ISP, your city, your state, your country and the world.

YouTube Disco :

YouTube is all set to replace your music players with YouTube Disco. This music discovery project allows you to find videos of your choice, create a list of them and then easily watch them without having the need to choose a new video after the one you are watching is finished.

YouTube Snakes Easter egg :
You can play the classic Snakes game while watching any video in your browser. Just pause and resume a video, hold the left arrow key for 2 seconds and while still holding it, press the Up arrow key. This only works in the new YouTube player on videos played on

YouTube Editor :

Do you edit your videos before uploading them to YouTube? Now, you don't need to because it lets you to do all of that online with YouTube Editor; well not all of that but it at least lets you combine, trim and rotate videos. The best part about YouTube Editor is that it allows you to find copyright free music that you can add to your videos. It also offers some comparably advanced features like stabilizing shaky videos and inserting transitions.

YouTube Leanback :

YouTube lets you watch videos of your choice but have you ever wanted to just sit back and enjoy watching videos just like you watch television? YouTube Leanback can help. YouTube Leanback plays high quality full screen videos tailored to your choices (if you are signed in to your Google account). If you are not signed in, you can choose a category to watch videos from, watch featured videos and even search for the video of your choice. You can then connect your TV to your computer to seamlessly enjoy TV, YouTube style.

YouTube Lean-back :

While you can enjoy videos on your TV using Leanback, the interface is far from desirable. So, to facilitate users on smart TVs browse videos more effectively, YouTube has a XL version for large screen sizes which does not have the noise of comments and other unimportant stuff that you see in the standard version.

Set default video playback quality :

Are you annoyed at changing the quality of every YouTube video you watch manually? Now you don't need to because YouTube has an option that automatically lets you select the quality of videos you see. If you have a slow connection, you can select the option of never playing high quality videos. You can also select the option of showing captions and annotations automatically.

Watch Videos blocked in your country : URL trick

If the URL of the video that is blocked in your country is{video-id}, you can access it by going to{video-id}. As an additional advantage, you will be able to view the video at the full size of your browser window.

Link to a specific time in a video :

If you want to link to a video at a specific time, you can add #t=XXs to the URL where XX is a variable which represents the number of seconds after which the video will start.

YouTube Live :

YouTube Live lets you find all videos that are being broadcasted live right now. You can also see videos that are scheduled to be broadcasted at a later date.

YouTube Tricks, Tips
Watch Live broadcasts on YouTube
Create a feed of almost anything on YouTube
Just go to the YouTube Data API page and build a custom feed for yourself. However, there is a problem with the URI generated for specific categories as  "{ schemas/ 2007/}" is also added. Remove this and the URI is good to go.

YouTube Charts :

Want to find the best videos on YouTube? Use YouTube Charts to find what other users are watching, discussing and favoring. You can select a particular category to determine the best videos in that particular category. You can even filter videos to determine what has been popular this week, this month or this year. You also have the option to play all the videos obtained in results.

Legally Watch Full Length Movies on YouTube :

YouTube has a dedicated page to allow users to watch full-length ad supported movies for free. Movies are classified based on their genre and are offered in full HD quality. Movies are uploaded by the creators for the purpose of creating another source of revenue for themselves as Google gives them a portion of the advertising revenue.

YouTube Feather Beta :

Love browsing videos but are on a terribly slow connection? Feather, the new experimental feature to allow users on slow connections enjoy YouTube might help you. It achieves this by serving the lowest amount of data to a user. Naturally, this means removal of several features that don't add much value. Feather is currently available only as an opt-in service which allows you to opt out anytime you want.

Cool JavaScript Tricks: Edit Websites in Browser (Live)

Cool JavaScript Tricks: Edit Websites in Browser (Live)
Imagine a world where you are a God and have ultimate control on what happens and more importantly, how it happens. Seems too good a dream. Now it has come true, at least for the online world.

JavaScript Tricks:

Using this trick, you will be able to edit any webpage live in your browser as if it was a Wiki and change the details according to your wish. Yes, you read that right. You can edit Google or even Facebook for that matter right in your browser and that too without requiring any technical know-how or getting deep into hacking and cracking.

Here is an example picture demonstrating the Google Homepage edited by me to say that I own Google.
Edit Websites Browser

This is just an example. You can use it for anything like showing wrong traffic stats or for fooling people by showing that someone said something about them on Facebook or Twitter. It depends only on your creativity. But I would advise you to stay ethical and use it for entertainment purposes only.

(Mozilla Firefox does not support this. If you use Firefox, you can use the bookmark-lets given at the end of this post. If you use Google Chrome and the code does not seem to work, precede it with "javascript:" without quotes.)

To use this trick, all you need to do is just copy the code given below and paste it in your address bar after you have opened the website you wish to edit. And start editing.


You can capture a screenshot by pressing the Print Screen key or by using the Snipping Tool if you use Windows 7 or Windows Vista. If you wish to again make the website non-editable to give a more authentic look, copy and paste the code given below in the address bar after you are done editing (does not work in Firefox).


Or, alternatively you can use the following bookmark-lets by dragging them to your Bookmarks bar.

    1.  Edit this Website

    2.  Done Editing

The editing that you do will however be temporary as it is not server-sided. You can also save the modified website through your browser by File>Save. This works on all common web browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer.

How to Download Flash Videos in Computer and Mobile :

More than 24 hours of video content is uploaded to the internet per minute. With so much video content being uploaded, people have felt the need to download videos but most users don't have the tools to download videos. So what does a user do?

Download Flash Videos:

Web's Video Format: Most websites use the  Adobe Flash Video (FLV) format to display the various types of videos. The reason for this is that FLV files use comparatively less amount of storage space for the same video quality.

How to Play Flash Videos:

To play FLV media in browsers, you need to have Adobe's Flash Player plugin installed. To play FLV format in your personal computer (PC), you need to have a media player capable of playing FLV videos. VLC Media player is one such free media player which can easily play FLV files. (To download VLC Media Player and other essential software, visit 5 Essential free software for Windows PC.) Update: Not necessarily, modern web browsers that support HTML5 can play flash videos without requiring Adobe's plugin.

Download Flash Videos via Internet Explorer:

This technique uses copying flash videos from Internet Explorer's temporary files cache. A temporary files cache is a collection of items which are stored on the disk to load them quickly without downloading them again. Not only Internet Explorer, but almost all browsers have a temporary files cache. But most of these browsers store the files in cache without any extension which leads to complexity in finding saved videos. On the other hand, Internet Explorer stores the file "as it is" in its cache. To download FLV Videos via Internet Explorer, follow the instructions given below:-

For Internet Explorer 6 and earlier versions:-

    Play the video of your choice in Internet Explorer.
    Go to Control Panel. Click on switch to classic view in the sidebar.
    Click on Folder Options.
    Click on View Tab and encircle Show hidden files and folders.
    Go to My Computer.
    Click on your System Drive.(The drive containing your Windows files.)
    Click on Documents and Settings.
    Click on your User name.
    Click on Local Settings.
    Copy your Temporary Internet Files folder and paste it to your desktop.
    Search the pasted folder for "*.flv" without the quotes. And play the files to find your video. Copy your found video and paste it to the location of your choice.

For Internet Explorer 7 ,8 and 9:-

    Play the video of your choice in Internet Explorer.
    Go to Control Panel. Click on switch to classic view in the sidebar.
    Click on Folder Options.
    Click on View Tab and encircle Show hidden files and folders and de-select Hide protected Operating System Files.
    Windows XP Users, follow the instructions given above for IE6 after Step 4.
    Windows 7 and Windows Vista users, navigate to your system drive.
    Navigate to Usersname\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\.
    Copy the Temporary Internet Files folder and paste it to your desktop.
    Search the pasted folder for "*.flv" without the quotes. And play the files to find your video. Copy your found video and paste it to the location of your choice.

Download Flash Video

Downloading FLV Videos via third party software: Due to the popularity of watching videos online, many third party companies have manufactured many software programs to download .FLV videos. A simple web search containing "free software to download flash videos" is likely to return a lot of such software programs.

Downloading Flash videos via Real Media Player: Real Media Player states that it is the best free media player available to play, manage and download all your mp3, flash and video files. I do not quite agree but still, Real Media Player offers a very good plugin with which you can download FLV videos easily. Whenever Real Media Player detects a flash video, it offers an option to download the video right on top of it.

Downloading Flash Videos in Mobiles: Mobile Users can use Bolt Browser to download FLV videos directly to their mobiles. Bolt automatically re-formats the video into a version supported by the mobile which can then be easily viewed. Update: Bolt Browser has been discontinued. Opera Mini can also be used to download flash videos directly but Opera has some bugs when it comes to reformatting videos according to specific mobiles.

Youtube Videos
Charlie bit my finger. Most popular Online Video

Third Party Websites to Download Flash videos: There are many free third party websites on the internet which offer you to download flash videos just by entering the URL of the video, selecting the format and clicking on the download button. Few such sites are:-

1.  Vixy: Vixy offers you to download flash videos in .MP4 format, AVI format, .MOV for Macintosh, .3GP format for mobiles and .MP3 format for Audio Players.
2.  Keepvid: Keepvid allows you to download flash videos in a wide variety of formats including .MP4, .3GP( high and low quality) and yeah, .FLV format.
3.  MP4Flash: You can download videos in MP4 format, 3GP format and FLV format in the quality of your choice using this online video downloader.
4.  SaveVid: SaveVid  also offers downloading flash videos in various formats with the option of downloading them in different qualities.

So, that brings us to the end of this article. If you know some other ways to download flash videos, feel free to send me an email and they will be included in this article.

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Software Marketing Tricks :

Software Marketing Tricks :
Email marketing has risen to popularity in this day and age, becoming one of the marketing mediums which many marketers widely make use of to find and generate B2B leads. More so for a software firm, email marketing can become one of the best and most efficient ways in order to market software products and services. Through creative strategies with using email marketing, you can turn your campaign into a powerhouse for generating software leads. All you need to do is know how to properly plan your approach. So, here are some tips and tricks for using email marketing for generating software leads.

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